Tag Archives: artwork

“King of Fate”

“King of Fate” 8″x 10″ ink on paper 2016


“Charmer” 8″x 10″ Ink on paper 2016


“Seven” Ink on paper 2016


“Sedum” 5″x 7″ Ink on paper 2016


“Guardian” 8″x 8″ Ink on paper 2016

More minuscule artwork…

Another 2″x 2″ painting I did earlier this year. I’ve actually really been enjoying painting on these little canvas boards, in addition to there being a sort of instant gratification element to creating a painting equivalent of a thumbnail sketch, their small size forces you to think a little differently in terms of subject, composition, […]


“Cathartes” 8″x 10″(Oval) Acrylic on Canvas 2016 

5 little paintings

5 little paintings from earlier this year. The four in the top row are 2″x 2″ and the one on the bottom is 4″x 6″. All are painted with acrylics. 


   “Harbinger” 10″x 8″ Acrylic on canvas 2016

First one of 2016

I was expecting it to be another one, but it turns out this little one is my first painting of 2016.     It comes in at a whopping 2″x 2″