Category Photos

“Harbinger” In Progress

Progress pics of “Harbinger” 10″x 8″ Acrylic on canvas.    

First one of 2016

I was expecting it to be another one, but it turns out this little one is my first painting of 2016.     It comes in at a whopping 2″x 2″   

Tiny Turkey Vulture

    Tiny little turkey vulture study from a couple of weeks ago 


A sketch from a little while back that I’ve been meaning to post   

I think She’s done…

Put the finishing touches on this one tonight… On to the next one

The evolution of “Petals”

A quick look at the evolution of one if my latest drawings…

On to the next one…

Put a couple of hours into a new drawing today… I really enjoy this part of the process when everything is still loose, yet the concept really starts coming together, it’s like I’m watching flowers bloom right before my eyes…. Literally…

“Tangle” progress

This is the one of the pen and ink drawings that I’m currently working on. This is what I see when I look at each and every one of us, a jumbled mess of flesh and emotion, the many facets of the human animal intertwining, indiscernible where one part of us ends and the other […]

Itty bitty kitty….

Finished up this little (5″x7″) painting today. It had been sitting unfinished in my studio over a year, less than an hour away from completion. I’ve been focusing so much on drawing lately it was refreshing spending a little time getting messy with brush in hand. I definitely want to do more painting in the […]

Just some pictures of me… Doing what I do…